Información Impunidad | |
14ene11 - v) msjes. |
Esp - 2/2 Material en audio sobre el procesamiento de John Demjanjuk en España y la cuestión de la impunidad en Europa. |
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Haz click aquí | Haz click aquí | 00:10:35 | ESL/SPA |
ii) Communiqué on the Spanish ruling ordering the prosecution and the handing over of John Demjanjuk.
On September 17th, 2009, the Central Investigating Court (JCI) No. 2 of the National Court in Spain issued a ruling bringing formal charges against Johann Leprich, Anton Tittjung and Josias Kumpf for complicity in Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity. On September 18th, 2009, the Court resolved to address an International Rogatory Commission to the competent authorities in the Federal Republic of Germany (Munich Court) in order to be informed of the facts for which John Demjanjuk was being prosecuted in Germany, in case they could be related to those that were being investigated in Spain. The Munich Prosecutor's Office responded to the Rogatory Commission on June 7th, 2010 stating that the facts being investigated in Germany were different, their being focused on the activities of the accused Demjanjuk in the Sobibor concentration camp (Poland) in 1943 for which he was accused in the proceedings 115Js 12496/08. In its decision issued on July 1st, 2010, the Court ordered the documentation that had been received from the German authorities in response to the Rogatory Commission to be sent to the Public Prosecutor and to the accusing parties. The accusing parties represented by Equipo Nizkor replied by filing on July 13th, 2010 a writing requesting the Court to bring formal charges against John Demjanjuk, as well as to adopt the relevant precautionary measures and to issue the corresponding European Arrest Warrant so that he be delivered to Spain by the German authorities. Following the writing submitted by Equipo Nizkor, the Spanish National Court's Prosecutor issued a favourable report on November 17th, 2010 stating that in light of the response obtained from the German authorities through the Rogatory Commission, the Prosecutor's Office considered that the Court should grant the plaintiffs' request. Based on the aforementioned judicial background, the judge in charge of JCI No. 2 issued a ruling on January 7th, 2011 ordering that formal charges be brought against John Demjanjuk and that he be handed over to the Spanish authorities, since: "In light of the proceedings, it can be asserted that during the Second World War... John Demjanjuk (Iván Nikolaiewich Demjanjuk) was a member of the Totenkopf SS, and served as an armed guard in places dedicated to the persecution of persons on political, ethnic and racial grounds, inter alia, namely the concentration camp Flossenbürg (Germany)". Hence, the judge in charge of JCI No. 2 disposed as follows: "CHARGES ARE BROUGHT, in this case and subject to further conclusions, against JOHN DEMJANJUK for complicity in Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity as laid out in the factual background of this ruling. [...] The Court orders that the accused be placed under provisional imprisonment without parole and with visiting rights. Due to the accused's currently being in Germany and being tried in the case 115JS12496/08 before the competent judicial instances in Munich, the Court orders that a European Arrest Warrant be issued [...]" In view of this ruling of the Spanish National Court, Equipo Nizkor reiterates the statements expressed in its communiqué dated September 22nd, 2009 with relation to the State and Government of Spain: - We agree with the procedural steps which have been taken, which signify acceptance by the Spanish justice system of the fact that there were more than 7,000 Spaniards who, because of their Republican views, became victims of National Socialism and its system of forced labour and extermination camps, in particular the camps of KL Mauthausen, Sachsenhausen y Flossenbürg. - This is a recognition of all the other nationalities who were victims of war crimes and crimes against humanity at KL Flossenbürg, specialized in the extermination of political and social prisoners. - We hope that these proceedings serve to convince the Spanish State to modify its position, unchanged since it was adopted by the Franco regime, which provides legal protection to National Socialist and Fascist war criminals... |
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Click on icon | Click on icon | 00:09:10 | ENG |
iii) L'Audiencia Nacional espagnole ordonne la poursuite judiciaire de John Demjanjuk pour crimes contre l'humanité et complicité de génocide.
Le 17 septembre 2009 le Tribunal central d'instruction numéro 2 de l'Audiencia Nacional espagnole ordonnait la poursuite judiciaire de Johann Leprich, Anton Tittjung et Josias Kumpf, en tant que complices de génocide et de lèse-humanité. Le 18 septembre 2009 ce même Tribunal a ordonné qu'une commission rogatoire internationale soit adressée aux autorités compétentes de la République Fédérale d'Allemagne, à savoir le Tribunal de Munich, afin que le Tribunal espagnol soit informé sur les faits dont John Demjanjuk est accusé par les instances judiciaires allemandes, au cas où ceux-ci pourraient avoir un lien avec les faits faisant l'objet d'une enquête par le tribunal espagnol. Le Ministère public de Munich a répondu à la comission rogatoire le 7 juin 2010 moyennant communication dans laquelle il fait observer que les faits examinés en Allemagne sont différents. Ils se centrent en effet sur les agissements de Demjanjuk dans le camp de concentration de Sobibor, en Pologne, en 1943. C'est pour ces faits que Demjanjuk a été accusé dans le cadre de la procédure 115Js 12496/08 en Allemagne. Dans son ordonnance du 1er juillet 2010, le Tribunal central d'instruction numéro 2 ordonnait l'envoi au Ministère public et aux plaignants de la documentation reçue via la commission rogatoire. Les plaignants représentés par l'Equipo Nizkor ont alors présenté audit tribunal, le 13 juillet 2010, une demande écrite dans laquelle ils sollicitaient la poursuite de John Demjanjuk, ainsi que l'adoption de mesures de précaution et l'émission du mandat d'arrêt européen à son encontre. Compte tenu de cette demande, le Ministère public a émis son rapport favorable le 17 novembre 2010, dans lequel il manifeste qu'au vu du résultat de la commission rogatoire remise par les autorités allemandes, il considère pouvoir accéder aux demandes des plaignants (acusación particular). Sur base des procédures antérieures, le titulaire du Tribunal central d'instruction numéro 2 de l'Audiencia Nacional espagnole a prononcé, le 7 janvier 2011, une ordonnance de poursuite judiciaire (Auto de procesamiento) et de remise de John Demjanjuk, étant donné que : "Au vu des enquêtes, il ressort que, pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, [...] John Demjanjuk (Ivan Nikolaeiwich Demjanjuk) a été membre des Totenkopf SS, qu'il a servi en tant que garde armé dans des lieux destinés à la persécution de personnes pour des motifs politiques, ethniques et raciaux, entre autres, et plus particulièrement dans le camp de concentration de Flossenbürg en Allemagne". C’est ainsi que le titulaire du Tribunal central d'instruction numéro 2 de l'Audiencia Nacional espagnole à décidé de ce qui suit :
- Nous exprimons notre accord pour ce qui est des mesures procédurales adoptées, car elles signifient que la justice espagnole reconnaît en tant que victimes les plus de 7000 espagnols qui furent persécutés à cause de leurs idées républicaines par le national-socialisme par le moyen du système de camp de travaux forcés et d'extermination, concrètement les KL de Mauthausen, de Sachsenhausen et de Flossenbürg. - C'est aussi une reconnaissance pour toutes les victimes de crimes de guerre et de crimes contre l'humanité d'autres nationalités exterminées dans le KL de Flossenbürg spécialisé dans l'extermination de prisonniers sociaux et politiques - Nous espérons que cette décision judiciaire contribuera à ce que l'Etat espagnol modifie sa position, qui perpétue celle adoptée par le régime franquiste et qui consiste à protéger juridiquement les criminels de guerre national-socialiste et fascistes... |
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Click on icon | Click on icon | 00:09:54 | FRA |
iv) La detención de Demjanjuk abre la reflexión sobre la impunidad en Europa.
El integrante de las SS Totenkopf y responsable de crímenes de guerra y de crímenes contra la humanidad John Demjanjuk, llegó a la ciudad alemana de Munich en el vuelo N250LB el pasado 12may09 tras ser deportado desde los Estados Unidos. La Fiscalía de Munich formuló cargos en su contra, librándose la correspondiente orden de detención en marzo de 2009, según información periodística por su complicidad en el asesinato de 29.000 judíos en el campo de concentración de Sobibor, en la Polonia ocupada. Radio Nizkor ha decidido hacer un programa específico donde se clarifiquen algunos extremos con relación a las pruebas existentes, así como un resumen de su historia penal con relación a varios campos de exterminio nacionalsocialistas. [...] Demjanjuk entró en Estados Unidos en 1952 en virtud de la Ley sobre Personas Desplazadas y obtuvo su ciudadanía en 1958. El Tribunal de Distrito para el Distrito Norte de Ohio concluyó el 21feb02 que Demjanjuk obtuvo ilegalmente su naturalización en 1958, al ocultar su pasado de persecución, por lo que ordenó la revocación de la misma. El 28dic05 un juez de Inmigración ordernó su deportación a Ucrania, o alternativamente, Alemania o Polonia. Este procedimiento concluyó el 19may08, con la denegación por parte del Tribunal Supremo de los EE.UU. de la petición de certiorari realizada por la defensa de Demjanjuk. El 19jun08varios sobrevivientes y familiares de víctimas españolas del régimen nacionalsocialista representados por el Equipo Nizkor, interpusieron una querella penal ante la Audiencia Nacional española contra cuatro SS, entre ellos John Demjanjuk. Ese mismo día las autoridades alemanas anunciaban su interés en solicitar la entrega de Demjanjuk a los Estados Unidos. [...] El servicio prestado por Demjanjuk como guardia armado en campos de concentración nacionalsocialistas ha quedado acreditado en el marco del procedimiento de desnaturalización iniciado por el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos en 1999. El Tribunal de Distrito para el Distrito Norte de Ohio que concluyó en 2002 que la naturalización de Demjanjuk debía ser revocada, se apoyó para llegar a esta conclusión, además de en documentos oficiales y originales de la época -como la tarjeta identificativa de guardia- en los informes periciales del experto en las SS Totenkopf y perito en ese tipo de documentos, Charles W. Sydnor... El Dr. Sydnor realizó para este tribunal varios informes periciales que han sido también aportados por las autoridades competentes estadounidenses en respuesta a la solicitud de asistencia judicial cursada por el JCI No. 2 de la Audiencia Nacional española en noviembre de 2008, formando parte estos documentos probatorios de la serie de documentos enviados oficialmente por dicha autoridad. La conclusión de este experto, aceptada después como hechos por los tribunales estadounidenses, en lo que se refiere al servicio prestado por Demjanjuk como guardia armado en campos de concentración nacionalsocialistas, es la siguiente:
Es de señalar que en febrero de 2009 la Fiscalía de Munich sometió nuevamente a pruebas periciales este documento y, tras considerar demostrada su autenticidad, procedió días después a solicitar la entrega de Demjanjuk. En cuanto al servicio prestado por Demjanjuk en el campo de concentración de Flossenbürg, donde fueron hechos prisioneros más de 150 españoles, considera el Tribunal que "El 'Iwan Demianjuk' identificado en la entrada 53 del listado de traslados de Flossenbürg es el mismo guardia entrenado en Trawniki identificado en la Tarjeta de Identificación de Servicio No. 1393..." Según un artículo publicado en el Süddeutsche Zeiung de Alemania: "El proceso contra John Demjanjuk será posiblemente el último proceso del nacionalsocialismo. Estos últimos procesos han sido y son terribles: no porque los esbirros nazis sean tan terriblemente mayores, sino porque la justicia penal alemana de ayer y antesdeayer estuvo terriblemente atrasada y fue terriblemente indulgente..." |
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Haz click aquí | Haz click aquí | 00:23:35 | ESL/SPA |
v) Demjanjuk's detention leads to a reassessment of impunity in Europe.
John Demjanjuk, a member of the SS Totenkopf and responsible for crimes of war and crimes against humanity, arrived at Munich airport on flight N250LB on Tuesday 12th May 2009 after having been deported from the United States. In March of this year the Prosecutor's Office of Munich filed charges against him and issued an arrest order which, according to media reports, concerns his complicity in the murder of 29,000 Jews in Sobibor concentration camp in occupied Poland. Radio Nizkor has decided to do a specific programme to clarify some of the issues concerning existing, substantially irrefutable, evidence, and to set out the history of his crimes with respect to the Nazi extermination camps. [...] Demjanjuk entered the United States in 1952 in reliance on the Law of Displaced Persons and obtained citizenship in 1958. The District Court for the Northern District of Ohio concluded on 21 February 2002 that Demjanjuk's citizenship should be revoked... On 28th December 2005 the then Chief Immigration Judge Michael J. Creppy, issued a removal order in respect of Demjanjuk... The countries included in the order were Ukraine or, in the alternative, Germany or Poland. These proceedings came to an end on 19th May 2008, when the US Supreme Court rejected Demjanjuk's petition for certiorari. On 19th June 2008, various survivors and relatives of Spanish victims of the National-Socialist regime, represented by Equipo Nizkor, filed criminal proceedings in the National Court (Audiencia Nacional) in Madrid against John Demjanjuk and three other SS... Also on 19th June 2008 the German authorities announced their interest in seeking the handover of Demjanjuk from the United States [...] Demjanjuk's service as an armed guard in Nazi concentration camps was documented in the course of the denaturalization proceedings initiated by the US Government in 1999. The District Court for the Northern District of Ohio which concluded in 2002 that Demjanjuk's citizenship should be revoked, relied, in reaching this conclusion, not only on official and original wartime documents - such as his identity card as a guard- but also on the professional reports of an expert on the SS Totenkopf and on this type of documentation - Charles W. Sydnor... Dr. Sydnor prepared an expert report for this Court, followed by two supplementary reports. All of them were provided to the Spanish National Court by the relevant US authorities in December 2008 in a response to a request for judicial assistance - an International Rogatory Commission - issued by the Central Investigating Court No. 2. They form part of the documentary evidence which has been officially supplied by the US authorities. This expert's conclusions, accepted as admissible facts by the US Courts insofar as they concern Demjanjuk's service as an armed guard in Nazi concentration camps are as follows:
It is worth highlighting that in February 2009 the Prosecutor's Office in Munich again submitted this document to further forensic tests and after satisfying itself as to its authenticity proceeded a few days later to demand the handover of Demjanjuk. With reference to Demjanjuk's service at Flossenbürg Concentration Camp, where more than 150 Spaniards were imprisoned, the Court considered that: "The 'Iwan Demjanjuk' identified at entry 53 on the Flossenburg transfer roster is the same Trawniki-trained guard identified on Service Identity Pass No. 1393..." According to a press article published by the Süddeutsche Zeiung in Germany: "The trial against John Demjanjuk will no doubt be the last Nazi war trial. These last trials were and are horrible not because the Nazi henchmen have become so horribly old, but because the German criminal justice system has taken so horribly long and been so horribly lenient..." |
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Click on icon | Click on icon | 00:26:08 | ENG |
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