¡Qué hay de nuevo! Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos Boletín No. 318, Año 12, 2019 |
American Journal of International Law American Society of International Law Vol. 112, No. 4, 2018
This issue contains the following articles: "Human Rights in war: On the entangled foundations of the 1949 Geneva Conventions" by Boyd van Dijk; "A rule book on the shelf? Tallinn Manual 2.0 on cyberoperations and subsequent state practice" by Dan Efrony and Yuval Shanny; "Domestic investment statutes in international law"by Jarrod Hepburn; international decisions and recent books in international law. |
Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (CEPC) Año 39, No. 115, 2019
El Volumen 115 de la Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional desarrolla temas como: El discurso de odio, el derecho fundamental a la vida, el nuevo Estatuto de Autonomía de Canarias, la democracia participativa en Colombia y jurisprudencia internacional. |
University of Illinois: Law Review University of Illinois No. 3, 2018
This issue has different topics like: Public wealth, fiduciary duties, torts for nonvictims, testing victim credibility and some others. In this issue had written authors like: Paul Rose, Ellen S. Podgor, Kit Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, Keith E. Whittington, Ehud Guttel, Alon Harel, Shay Lavie and some others. |
University of Illinois: Law Review University of Illinois No. 4, 2018
This issue contains the following articles: "Selling attorneys' fee" by Anthony J. Sebok, "The criminal jury, moral judgments, and political representation" by Youngjae Lee; "Models of law" by Christian Turner; "The distributed liability of distributed ledgers: Legal risks of blockchain" by Dirk A. Zetzsche, Ross P. Buckley and Douglas W. Arner, "The jury sunshine project: Jury selection data as a political issue" by Ronald F. Wright, Kami Chavis and Gregory S. Parks, and "The new “ART” of family: Connecting assisted reproductive technologies & identity rights" by Naomi Cahn. |
University of Illinois: Law Review University of Illinois No. 1, 2019
Some articles contained in this issue are: "Retooling trade agreements for social inclusion" by Gregory Shaffer, "#MeToo, time’s up, and theories of justice" by Lesley Wexler, Jennifer K. Robbennolt and Colleen Murphy; "Fair use and its global paradigm evolution" by Peter K. Yu; "Taming blockbuster punitive damages awards" by Benjamin J. McMichael and W. Kip Viscusi; "Institutional investor voting behavior: A network theory perspective" by Luca Enriques and Alessandro Romano; "The peculiar obstacles to justice facing federal employees who survive sexual violence" by Gregory C. Sisk and "Liability for data injuries" by Jay P. Kesan and Carol M. Hayes. |
Revista de derecho penal y criminología: Delitos económicos-contravencional-garantías constitucionales-procesal Thomson Reuters La Ley Año 9, No. 2, 2019
Este número de la Revista de derecho penal y criminología reúne diferentes temas tales como: El delito de secuestro virtual, aborto, detención policial sin orden judicial, principios de la ejecución penal, Convención Interamericana sobre protección de los derechos humanos de las personas mayores, justicia restaurativa, ciberataques en la era digital, entre otros. |
Cuadernos Centro Latinoamericano de Economía Humana Vol. 37, No.108, 2018
Los artículos contenidos en esta revista son: "Sobre el cumplimiento de las sentencias del Tribunal de lo Contencioso Administrativo (TCA)" por Maximiliano Miguel Cal; "Derecho y literatura: Interdisciplinariedad, cruces inevitables y réditos posibles" por Luis Meliante y María José Sosa; "Migraciones internacionales y derecho internacional privado" por Carmen González y Myriam Díaz Stratta; "Negociação coletiva de trabalho no Brasil após a reforma trabalhista de 2017" por Otavio Pinto e Silva, entre otros. |
Journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture Consejo Internacional para la Rehabilitación de las Víctimas de la Tortura (IRCT) Vol. 27, No. 3, 2017
The Torture Journal is a scientific journal that provides and interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of original research and systematic reviews by professionals concerned with the biomedical, psychological and social interface of torture and the rehabilitation of its survivors. |
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