
lunes, 20 de junio de 2016

Tinkunaco 0911/16 - Re: ¡Qué hay de nuevo! - Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. Boletín No. 171, Año 9, 2016
¡Qué hay de nuevo!
Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos
Boletín No. 171, Año 9, 2016

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Death penalty, amnesty laws, and forced disappearances: Three main topics of the inter-american corpus juris in criminal law.
Eduardo Ferrer Mac-Gregor y Pablo González Domínguez.

Fuente: Notre Dame Journal of International & Comparative Law, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2015)
Resumen: This article explores three of the richest and most contentious areas of the Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Death penalty cases, amnesty law, and cased regarding forced disappearance. These topics encompass some of the most pressing human rights issues in the Inter-American System. For each topic, Ferrer Mac-Gregor and González Domínguez provide a succinct but comprehensive view of the Inter-American Court's jurisprudence, discuss the ways in which the core principles of this jurisprudence have been applied in more recent cases and developed into a corpus juris, and provide concluding remarks about the continuous challenges facing both the Court and American states going forward.
The relationship between Inter-American jurisdiction and States (national systems): Some pertinent questions.
Sergio García Ramírez.

Fuente: Notre Dame Journal of International & Comparative Law, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2015)
Resumen: This Article explores the complex and often vexing relationship between the Inter-American Human Rights System and the domestic human rights protections within the system's member States. García Ramírez identifies a number of challenges to implementing human rights protections in Latin America, many of which are rooted in a history of authoritarianism in the twentieth century and the nascent nature of the region's democratic institutions. Yet he sees solutions in the role of the Inter-American Court in the region. García Ramírez highlights the Court's role in interpreting international human rights laws for the region and the increasing role of national judges in integrating these rights into national systems. Thus, with this body of law as a baseline, he believes that through careful legal and political dialogue and a greater exercise of conventionality control, among other steps, the domestic and international human rights regimes in the region can work together to ensure greater respect for and protections of individual persons.
The rules and the reality of petition procedures in the Inter-American Human Rights System.
Dinah Shelton.

Fuente: Notre Dame Journal of International & Comparative Law, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2015)
Resumen: In this essay, Professor Dinah Shelton draws on her personal experience as a member of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to discuss the underlying causes of a "crisis of commitment" to the Inter-American System of Human Rights. Shelton traces the roots of this crisis in large part to the Inter-American petition procedures. Giving an in-depth account of the structure of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the details of the petition procedures, Shelton explores the issues of legitimacy, transparency, effectiveness, and efficiency raised by various aspects of the petitioning process, and discusses the various ways in which these issues in the petition process contribute to the broader crisis of the system's authority. She ultimately concludes with a series of proposed reforms—ranging from radical to relatively simple—for improving the structure and procedures of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, with a view toward restoring the credibility of human rights protections in the Americas.
The Anglo-Latin Divide and the future of the Inter-American System of Human Rights.
Paolo Carozza.

Fuente: Notre Dame Journal of International & Comparative Law, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2015)
Resumen: A former President of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Paolo Carozza, draws on his personal experience to identify and propose solutions for a key flaw in the Inter-American Human Rights System: The division between english-language member States and States with latin-based languages. Terming this division "The Anglo-Latin Divide," Carozza traces the division not only to linguistic difference, but also to differences in legal traditions. He explains how the differences between anglo tradition of common law and the latin tradition of civil law manifest in both substantive and procedural divides within the Inter-American Human Rights System, including in sensitive areas of the law such as right-to-life cases. Carozza offers solutions for the future, ranging from changing the composition of the Inter-American Court and Commission to the radical solution of requiring universal ratification of the American Convention on Human Rights. Ultimately, Carozza concludes that, whatever the solution, the viability and strength of the Inter-American system requires a much stronger effort to integrate the english-speaking world into a latin-dominated system.
Between idealism and realism: A few comparative reflections and proposals on the appointment process of the Inter-American Commission and Court of Human Rights Members.
Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen.

Fuente: Notre Dame Journal of International & Comparative Law, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2015)
Resumen: In this article, Professor Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen, a renowned scholar in European and Latin-American law, explores flaws in the process by which members are appointed to the Inter-American Commission and Court of human rights, respectively. Seeking to strike a balance between "Idealism" and "Realism," Burgorgue-Larsen seeks methods for improving the independence and impartiality of the Commissioners and Judges in the Inter-American System in the hopes of ultimately lending greater credibility and legitimacy to the system as a whole. Drawing comparisons to the appointment of judges on national and international courts worldwide, Burgorgue-Larsen ultimately produces specific suggestions for improving the appointment process, ranging from scrutiny of candidates' human rights competencies and language skills to increasing efforts to diversify the candidate pool, particularly in terms of gender and ethnicity. She concludes by suggesting that greater structural changes, including adjustments to tenure and appointment procedures, might eventually prove the best solution for ensuring the survival of the Inter-American System.
The Inter-American Court on Human Rights' jugdment in Artavia Murillo v. Costa Rica and its implications for the creation of abortion rights in the Inter-American System of Human Rights.
Ligia M. de Jesús.

Fuente: Oregon Review of International Law, Vol. 16, No. 2 (2014)
Resumen: In Artavia, the Inter-American Court on Human Rights addressed the meaning of article 4(1) of the American Convention on Human Rights, which recognizes a person's right to life beginning at conception. The Court handed a restrictive interpretation of this provision, holding that, before implantation, the human embryo is not a person entitled to human rights protection under the American Convention, while redefining the term "conception" as implantation, not fertilization. The Court also redefined article 4(1)'s terms "in general, from the moment of conception" to mean that only gradual or incremental protection should be given to prenatal life, depending on the unborn child's physical stage of development. In addition, it held that "personal decisions" to produce biological children by in vitro fertilization (IVF) were protected under the American Convention on Human Rights. This article explores the decision's potential impact in the creation of abortion rights in the Inter-American System of Human Rights. It also assesses the judgment's potential effects on Costa Rica and other States Parties to the American Convention.
Ó criterio inter-americano sobre anistias: Absolutismo de direitos humanos?
Fabia Fernandes Carvalho Veçoso.

Fuente: Revista Derecho del Estado, No. 35 (2015)
Resumen: O objetivo deste estudo é debater a argumentação desenvolvida pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos relativamente a processos de transição política na América Latina. Em sua jurisprudência sobre o tema, a Corte determinou a incompatibilidade entre legislações de anistias domésticas e os dispositivos da Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos. Sem buscar definir a natureza ou o conteúdo de uma possível obrigação internacional de julgar violações de direitos humanos, este estudo analisa o posicionamento da Corte enquanto resultado de uma atividade interpretativa; um discurso que reflete uma posição particular do órgão, mas que é apresentado como algo universal. Diversamente do entendimento da Corte, o argumento central deste trabalho consiste em afirmar que, em contextos envolvendo mudança de regime e violações de direitos, tanto anistias quanto julgamentos podem ser alternativas justificadas com base em uma perspectiva de direitos humanos. Nesse sentido, não seria possível apontar em abstrato uma ou outra alternativa como a mais adequada, sob pena de adoção de uma preferência ideológica.
Las acciones afirmativas como mecanismos reivindicadores de la paridad de género en la participación política inclusiva: Ecuador, Bolivia, Costa Rica y Colombia.
Gerardo Durango Álvarez.

Fuente: Revista de derecho, No. 45 (2016)
Resumen: Este artículo aborda el tema de las acciones afirmativas como mecanismo equiparador de las desigualdades sociales, así como la participación real en los espacios democráticos para grupos desaventajados. Las acciones afirmativas han jugado un papel muy importante en la ampliación de los espacios de participación política de las mujeres, indígenas y afrodescendientes en la reivindicación de estos derechos obstruidos en la práctica por parte de los partidos y movimientos políticos y parte de quienes ostentan el poder.

Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. 2016. Licencia Creative Commons
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