
lunes, 6 de marzo de 2017

Tinkunaco 0737/17 - Re: CIDH - ¡Qué hay de nuevo!

¡Qué hay de nuevo!
Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos
Boletín No. 206, Año 10, 2017
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The judge and International Custom = Le juge et la coutume internationale.
Liesbeth Lijnzaad y el Consejo de Europa, eds.


Resumen: International custom remains one of the most important sources of international law despite the codification of the law and the numerous international agreements concluded between the different actors of the international community. However, uncertainties still remain in relation to several of its aspects, including its formation, evidence and the relationship between its two constituent elements, that is, State practice and opinio juris. This presents challenges to national and international judges when called upon to identify and apply the rules of customary international law. With a view to addressing these grey areas, the Council of Europe ad hoc Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law (CAHDI) in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France organised a conference on "The Judge and International Custom" where important contributions of Eduardo Vio Grossi, Peter Tomka, Tullio Treves, Ximena Hinrichs, Jiří Malenovský, Ineta Ziemele, Bernard Stirn, Andreas Paulus, Liesbeth Lijnzaad, Dmitry Dedov, Ernest Petrić, Lord Collins of Mapesbury, Tom Cross and Sir Michael Wood.

Practitioners' guide to Human Rights Law in armed conflict.
Daragh Murray.

Resumen: Although the relationship between international human rights law and the law of armed conflict has been the subject of significant recent academic discussion, there remains a lack of comprehensive guidance in identifying the law applicable to specific situations faced by military forces. This book is the result of an in-depth process involving both academic and practitioner experts in the law of armed conflict and international human rights law who were convened in meetings at Chatham House chaired by Elizabeth Wilmshurst, Distinguished Fellow at Chatham House. The group included Professor Francoise Hampson, Essex University; Professor Dapo Akande, Oxford University; Charles Garraway, Fellow at Essex University; Professor Noam Lubell, Essex University; Michael Meyer, British Red Cross; and Daragh Murray, Lecturer at Essex University.

Criminalization of Human Rights Defenders.
Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.


Resumen: This report conceptualizes the phenomenon of criminalization and identifies the contexts and groups of defenders who are most affected by this practice, as well as the actors who usually participate in the processes of criminalization through the misuse of criminal law. Additionally, the IACHR identifies the main forms of criminalization against human rights defenders and the obligations that States must observe in criminal proceedings to prevent them from becoming tools to hinder the defense of human rights. The report also analyzes the diverse effects of criminalization on defense activities, the personal and professional lives of human rights defenders, as well as their social environment. Finally, it refers to initiatives taken by States to address the misuse of criminal law, identifying appropriate practices under international law standards to eliminate and prevent the misuse of criminal law against human rights defenders.

Situation of Human Rights in the Dominican Republic.
Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.

Resumen: The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) publishes the "Report on the Human Rights Situation in Dominican Republic," which analyzes the situation of the right to nationality, juridical personality, equality and non-discrimination, as well as other human rights violations that resulted from judgement 168/13 of the Constitutional Tribunal, as well as the measures implemented in the aftermath by the Dominican Republic, such as Law 169/14 and the National Plan of Regularization of Migrants. The report particularly focuses on the serious situation of persons of Haitian descent born in Dominican territory or persons perceived as being of Haitian descent in the Dominican Republic, especially after the delivery of judgement 168/13 of the Constitutional Tribunal. The said ruling retroactively redefined the criteria for acquiring citizenship by the application of the principle of jus soli since the Constitution of 1929. The criteria adopted by the Constitutional Tribunal disproportionally affected persons of Haitian descent and retroactively deprived them of nationality, relegating them to the status of stateless persons.

La obligatoriedad de las recomendaciones de la CIDH: Fallo "Carranza Latrubesse" de la CSJN.
Rodrigo C. Dellutri, Alejandro M. Garro y Alberto Luis Zuppi.


Resumen: Este trabajo intenta desentrañar el razonamiento en el que se apoya la mayoría de la CSJN en el caso para decidir que el Estado argentino no puede desconocer las recomendaciones de la Comisión Interamericana, buscando una línea argumental que oriente en el futuro a la República Argentina, las reparticiones del Estado, los Jueces de la Nación y aquellos encargados de implementar las recomendaciones de la Comisión IDH en aquellos casos en el Estado argentino ha sido encontrado responsable de violar el Pacto de San José de Costa Rica. Nuestro análisis se concentra en la fuerza vinculante de las recomendaciones de la Comisión Interamericana bajo el art. 51.2 de la CADH en casos específicos que deciden peticiones individuales promovidas contra la República Argentina y donde ésta ha sido condenada, en las cuales ni el Estado ni la Comisión IDH decidieron elevar el asunto a la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos ("CorIDH", Corte IDH" o "Corte Interamericana").

Violence against LGBTI persons.
Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.

Resumen: This Report focuses particularly on the acts of physical violence committed against persons with non-normative sexual orientations, identities and gender expressions, or whose bodies vary from the standard for female and male bodies in the Americas. In relation to the acts of violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) persons, the IACHR highlights that these acts often show high levels of cruelty. For example, in several cases documented by the IACHR, the lifeless bodies of LGBT persons show signs of torture, mutilation of their genitalia; and their bodies have been quartered and marked with signs that indicate high levels of prejudice.

Human mobility Inter-American standars.
Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.

Resumen: For the purposes of this report, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (hereinafter the "Inter-American Commission", "Commission" or "IACHR") should make clear that migration encompasses both the international and internal migration. International migration is when a person or group of persons crosses one of their countries' internationally recognized borders with the intention of settling down, either temporarily or permanently, in another country of which they are not nationals; on the other hand, internal migration happens when an individual or group of individuals migrates from one place to another within the country of which they are nationals, to settle there either temporarily or permanently.

Del Patrimonio Constitucional Centroamericano al Derecho Constitucional Centroamericano: Estudios de derecho comparado.
Enrique Napoleón Ulate Chacón, comp.

Resumen: La presente obra colectiva es el producto del Proyecto de Investigación, inscrito ante el Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Costa Rica, denominado "Del Patrimonio Constitucional Centroamericano al Derecho Constitucional Centroamericano". Ha sido elaborado en el marco de los cursos de Investigación Dirigida II y III, del Doctorado en Derecho, a cargo del Catedrático Enrique Ulate Chacón. La obra, construida sobre la base del método comparado, aplicable a los procesos de integración regional, pretende sentar las bases científicas para la construcción de un patrimonio constitucional en la región Centroamericana, partiendo de los elementos esenciales constitutivos de un Estado Social y Democrático de Derecho, para concebir a Centroamérica como un proceso que aspira a ser una Comunidad de Estados, en un espacio de libertad, paz, desarrollo sostenible y democracia.

Human Rights
Law Review

Inter-American and European Human Rights

Human Rights



Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. 2017. Licencia Creative Commons
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